Game setup |
Spread out all 62
DIGI-BATTLE cards face up on a flat surface. Flip a coin to decide who goes
first. Players take turns choosing cards, one at a time, until each has created
a BATTLE DECK of 30 cards. Put the 2 leftover cards aside. (Note: Players may
agree to play with their own previously customized Battle Decks. These can
include any 30 different cards. No duplicates.)
Each selects a ROOKIE card from the deck, and places it face down on the DUEL
Each shuffles the remaining 29 cards, deals himself or herself 10, and places
the remaining 19 cards face down ONLINE.
Each turns over the Rookie card in the Duel Zone.
Players now see which card their opponent has played and note its BATTLE TYPE:
(RED), (GREEN), or (YELLOW). They then refer to the chart on their card showing
the amount of DIGIMON POWER they can blast at that type of opponent. The player
who displays the higher amount of Digimon Power has the advantage, and, if no
more cards are played, wins the Duel.
The players now review the 10 cards in their hand and consider strategy. To
increase the amount of Digimon Power you can blast at your opponent, you’ll
probably want to Digivolve to the next level. Proceed to the DIGIVOLVE phase.
Digivovle |
Both players review
their hands, and if they have a card that Digivolves their Digimon to the next
level, they place it face down on the DIGIVOLVE ZONE. This new next-level card
must show the name of the Digimon currently on the Duel Zone in its DIGIVOLVE
REQUIREMENTS box, and you must be prepared to fulfill any other Digivolve
Requirements stated there.
Flip a coin to decide who goes first.
Player who goes first turns over the card on the Digivolve Zone and places it
face up on top of the card on the Duel Zone.
Player completes turn by fulfilling any Digivolve Requirements shown on the
next-level card. For example:
Digivolving from Rookie to Champion requires moving 1 or 2 cards from Online to
Offline as “payment." (See example below.)
Digivolving from Champion to Ultimate or from Ultimate to Mega requires that you
Place a DIGIVICE Power Option* card on the POWER PORT, or
DNA Digivolve, which means you must play 2 lower-level cards instead of 1. You
do this by placing the second Digimon (the one not showing on the Duel Zone)
face up on the Power Port when you turn over the next-level Digimon on the Duel
*Note: There are two other Power Option cards that can be used in the Digivolve
After the first player has finished Digivolving, the second player notes any
changes in DIGIMON POWER, and may respond by either:
Digivolving as shown above, or
Deciding not to Digivolve and saying "Pass." If the player who passes
has a card face down on the Digivolve Zone, he must move it Offline, in other
words, "Use it, or lose it."
If a player does not have a card in hand to Digivolve, he or she must pass. If
both players do not have cards in hand to Digivolve, proceed to the BATTLE
You may Digivolve only one level per Duel. After each player has either
Digivolved or passed, the Digivolve phase is over. Proceed to the BATTLE phase.
Next hand |
First, you must
restore your hand to 10 cards by drawing from the ONLINE deck. Players may
discard as many cards from their remaining hand to OFFLINE as they wish, and
draw as many new cards from the Online deck as needed to restore their hand to
10 cards. (This is the only time when you may restore your hand.)
When there are not enough cards remaining in the Online deck to restore your
hand to 10 cards, draw down to zero, then send ALL the cards on your side of the
board, except the Rookie, Offline. Shuffle them and place them face down Online.
You may then draw as many as needed to restore your hand to 10 cards.
Note: If at any time during play the number of your Online cards goes down to
zero (either by your action or your opponent's), you must send ALL the cards on
your side of the board, except the Rookie, Offline. Then shuffle them and place
them face down Online before resuming play.
At this point, players have the option of changing their Rookie (if they have
one on the Duel Zone). To set up a change, place the new Rookie face down on top
of the old Rookie. If you have a card with the Requirements to Digivolve your
new Rookie to the next level, you would use it now by placing it face down on
the Digivolve Zone. (Both cards will be turned over when it's your turn to
Players may prepare to Digivolve any Digimon on their Duel Zone by placing the
next-level card (with the correct Digivolve Requirements) face down on the
Digivolve Zone.
Winner of the last Duel initiates the new Duel by starting at step #2 of
Digivolve. If the last Duel ended in a tie, the player who went first last time
initiates the new Duel.