In the top right corner of the game screen, you will see an alarm clock. This
clock will chart your time through Digimon World. The clock runs on a 24-hour
system, and you will find that certain events occur during the day while others
happen at night. The clock's hand moves around once every hour. The white dot
that circulates the outside of the clock will tell you what time it is. When the
dot is at the top of the circle, it is night. When it is at the bottom, it is
daytime. You can tell what time of day it is by the pictures on the clock. Red
denotes sunset and purple denotes sunrise.
Happiness Gauge
In the bottom right corner of the game screen, you will find a happiness gauge.
It is the upper gauge with the happy face on it. When this meter is high, your
Digimon will be happy and live longer, but there is also a chance that it will
be spoiled. If happiness is high and discipline is low, your Digimon may not
accept items that you give it, such as stat chips or auto pilots.
Discipline Gauge
In the bottom right corner of the game screen, below the happiness gauge, you
will find the discipline gauge. When this meter is high, your Digimon will be
more obedient and take almost any item that you give him, but your Digimon may
get tired easily and his lifespan will be shortened.
Item Command
You will find the item command in the menu screen. When selected, you will be
able to see a list of all the items that you currently have, and be able to use
some of these items. When you begin the game, you have a capacity for 10
different kinds of items. If you can find Nanimon and get his keychain, your
item capacity will increase to 20 different items.
Digimon Command
You will find the Digimon command in the menu screen. When selected, you will be
able to see your Digimon's statistics, his age, his weight, his Digimon type,
his active hours, and his current condition. You will also be able to set his
techniques for battle on this screen. Watch this screen carefully throughout the
game; you will want to monitor your Digimon's weight often. Your Digimon will be
one of three types: virus, data or vaccine. Types in Digimon World are not like
Pokémon: one type doesn't dominate another. What they will do, though, is
prevent some battles. Sometimes, a Digimon of the same type will not want to
battle with you, and leaves the scene without a fight. As for techniques, always
make sure that your Digimon has three techniques to choose from, for an easier
time in battles.
Player Command
You will find the player command in the menu screen. The player menu gives you
your current Tamer rank, the number of Digimon you have trained, how much money
you have, the current amount of time you have played, and any special items or
medals you have collected. To raise your rank, train many high level Digimon,
and your rank will go up from time to time. You can also find a list of Digimon
cards that you have in the player menu, and can view your cards.
Pet and Scold Commands
You will find the pet and scold commands in the menu screen. Petting increases
happiness but decreases discipline. Scolding increases discipline but decreases
happiness. Personally, I think both of these functions are useless, because
feeding your Digimon, taking it to the bathroom on time, and letting it sleep
when it's sleepy keeps the happiness gauge at full. Fighting in many battles
will keep your discipline gauge at full, so you don't need to scold. And
besides, why scold your Digimon for going to the bathroom on accident, when
you're the one who is supposed to make sure he gets to a toilet? He's not a real
pet. He's not going to learn from his mistake. So just don't scold him, ok? :)
Sleep Command
When your Digimon's sleepy, let him rest!!! Besides, it fills up both his HP and
MP, which can be very helpful if you're in a tight spot. Your Digimon has its
own active hours, and will sleep when that time period is over. For example, my
Meramon sleeps from 2:00 to 11:00 every day. That's his sleeping pattern.
Usually, your Digimon will have a certain sleeping pattern that it follows. Plan
your training and adventures around this fact!
Your Digimon will let you know its status through thought bubbles that will
appear from time to time. Here are the explanations of thought bubbles.
Your Digimon is hungry! Feed him by going into the item menu and giving him
meat, fish, or digital mushrooms. Digimon like sirloin best, and it decreases
tiredness in your Digimon. One sirloin or meat may not satisfy your Digimon's
hunger right away. Your Digimon will tell you if he is full after he eats. If he
shows a sign of happiness, such as roaring or making other noise, that means he
is full. If not, then wait a little while, and his hunger bubble should come up
again. Feed your Digimon until he is full!
Yes, I'm sorry to say that's what it is! Hurry and take your Digimon to the
closest toilet, before he has an accident! If you are unable to get your Digimon
to a toilet, then he will go where ever you are, and your virus gauge will
increase by one. If the virus gauge gets too high, your Digimon may become the
smelliest of the Digimon: Sukamon! If you have gotten to the point where you can
buy a portable potty, then carrying a few of those around with you isn't too bad
of an idea!
When the Z's appear, your Digimon is ready to be tucked in for the night. Your
Digimon can sleep anywhere, and his HP and MP will be totally refilled. Sleeping
is also the only opportunity that you have to save your game progress.
When a tear drop shaped sweat bead appears in the thought balloon, you've
overworked your Digimon! This is a bad status for a Digimon to have, as it
decreases happiness and shortens lifespan. To prevent this status from
happening, feed your Digimon sirloin which decreases tiredness, and to visit
either Punimon or Centarumon from time to time. Both Digimon can relieve your
Digimon of tiredness.
If your Digimon finishes a battle with a low HP, he may get injured. If this
occurs, you can use either medicine or a bandage to heal your Digimon. This
shouldn't happen often if you pay close attention to the battles you're in and
keep plenty of recovery items handy.
Hypodermic Needle
Oh no! Your Digimon is sick! This can occur if you neglect your Digimon, such as
not feeding it or not letting it sleep. Bad people! Don't neglect your Digimon!
Heal him by giving him medicine, or by visiting Centarumon's clinic.
Your Digimon can learn many techniques during its
lifetime, and if you care for your Digimon correctly, its techniques may be
passed on to your new Digimon. Battle techniques are important because the more
you have, the easier it will be to digivolve to higher levels. Many times, if
your Digimon knows a lot of techniques, it may still digivolve to a higher
level, even if it doesn't have high stats. It is good to get as many techniques
as you can early on, so your Digimon raising can be more flexible. Digimon can
learn techniques two ways. One way is to teach your Digimon at the chalkboard
and increase its brain. While very rare, your Digimon may randomly learn a new
attack that way. The more common way is by battling other creatures. When your
Digimon is attacked in battle, he may learn the attacks that the other Digimon
used on him. The best way to determine if an enemy Digimon can teach your
partner Digimon a technique is to look at what Digimon its base Digimon is. For
example, I had a Patomon once. I trained it by fighting Tsukaimon, which are the
dark blue Patamon-like Digimon that hang out by the Digital Bridge. Tsukaimon
are Patamon based, which means they look like Patamon. They carry most of the
same attacks that Patamon has, so the potential for learning is at its maximum.
You may not always find an enemy Digimon that has the same base as your Digimon,
such as Elecmon, but that's okay. If you cannot find a look alike, then look for
elemental matches. Elecmon has no matching enemy, yet by fighting Modoki Betamon,
Dokunemon, and Shima Unimon, you see that they all have some electric based
attacks, which most likely your Elecmon can learn. Good luck learning all of the
Finishing moves are
semi-important in each battle. You can tell when your Digimon is ready for his
finishing move when the word FINISH is complete in the top right hand corner of
your screen. In most cases, you won't get to use your finishing move, because
your Digimon will have defeated any enemy before the word finish is, well,
finished. :) You will, however, be able to use it in most boss battles or in
tough battles with more than one enemy. Be careful though! If your Digimon is
hit while he's powering up for his finishing move, it's all over and the word
finish has to be spelled out all over again. He won't even get to use it. For
the best results, wait until you have been hit by your enemy, and press the
square button to trigger the finishing move right when you get hit. Your enemy
will not have enough time to attack again while you power up, so you should be
fine. In a multi-enemy battle, DO NOT use your finishing move until there is
only one enemy left. 90% of the time, when a finishing move is executed when
there are more than one enemy, you will lose your finishing move to an enemy
attack. Don't waste a finishing move!!! Since they don't use MP, they are very
useful during any battle, especially an MP draining boss battle. Use the L1 and
R1 buttons to charge up your Digimon's finishing attack. The more the meter is
filled, the harder he'll hit!
When you first start out with a new
Digimon, you will have relatively few battle commands. Most likely you will have
"Your call" and "Run" as your only options. "Your
call" tells the Digimon to choose his own attacks from the ones that are
set, and to judge when to attack and when to defend. You don't have too much of
a say in a "Your Call" battle. As your Digimon's brains stat
increases, you will be given more options with which to battle your Digimon. At
100, your Digimon will learn the "Attack" command. With this command,
your Digimon will attack the enemy constantly, and neglect to keep a safe
distance or defend. This is best used against a slower or weaker enemy. At 200,
your Digimon will learn "Moderate" and "Distance." Use these
to keep your Digimon moving, so that they won't be hit by close up attacks. At
300, your Digimon will learn "Defend." This tells your Digimon to stop
attacking and focus on defending itself. This is useful if you are trying to
learn a new technique, because you want the enemy to use his attack on you. At
400, your Digimon should learn "Change." This tells your Digimon to
attack a different enemy in a multi-enemy fight. Lastly, at 500 you gain control
of your Digimon's attacks. The regular attack button disappears and you are
given three new ones in its place. Each one may have a different symbol on it,
but they are the attacks that you have set. You may choose to tell your Digimon
to only attack with that one attack by selecting it. If you are not happy with
this, then return to "Your Call," and your Digimon will alternate