world tips
Train often , traning is essential, but do not
forget the importance of battles for your Digimon. Battles win you bits, items,
and sometimes new techniques for your Digimon.
Watch your Digimon's weight carefully. It can be something that is easily
forgotten. I know...my Frigimon never asked me for food, and then when I checked
his weight, he weighed only one pound! Keep your Digimon at a healthy weight: 30
for rookies, and 60 for champions, although some Digimon like Giromon and Metal
Mamemon may require lighter weights.
Try to expand your technique list as fast as you can. More techniques means that
it will be easier for you to digivolve later in the game. It also means that you
will have more of a choice in what kind of attacks your Digimon can
When raising a Digimon rookie, try to train it in only a few stats to see what
you get. Always raise your Digimon in HP and MP, but then choose a stat to work
in. If you train an Agumon in defense, you will get a totally different Digimon
than if you had trained in brains or speed. This is the best way to expand your
knowledge of the game and raise your tamer rank.
Make few care mistakes! Always know where the closest toilet is, and always have
some food and recovery items handy just in case. You never know when you'll be
lost and hungry, or stuck without a bathroom nearby! If it's a problem, try
carrying portable potties with you on adventures.
Talk to Yuramon, Tsunomon, Angemon, and read Shellmon's bulletin board often.
These Digimon are here to help you if you are stuck in the game and don't know
where to go next.
Be patient when trying to make ultimate Digimon. Most times, you have to have
insane stats for your Digimon to digivolve to ultimate. Take your time, learn
techniques, and save any stat chips you might win. You'll definitely want them
for your ultimate Digimon that battles in Mount Infinity. My first Metal Mamemon
had stats of around 4000 HP and MP and 600 in all other stats when we tackled
Mount Infinity, with some help from stat chips. Using stat chips can be helpful,
because it can help your Digimon digivolve to ultimate when it is still 11 or 12
days old, which will allow you to fight tougher opponents longer. My Metal
Mamemon made it through Mount Infinity both times with no problem, because he
had digivolved early and was still young.
Keep a steady amount of money coming in. You will always need a good amount of
money to properly care for your Digimon. This also means buying recovery items,
extra food, portable potties, and auto pilots just to be safe. If you are having
trouble keeping enough money, here is a method to make tons of money fast.
(Thanks to psychic_strata, who gave me the easy way to make money, instead of
the crazy way I was doing it! ^_^ ) First, for this method you must either have
a couple thousand dollars, or you must be very bored. You can get money one of
two ways. First, go to the item shop and buy as many meats as you like. Meat is
only 50 bits each, so it won't cost you much. Next, go to Dragon Eye Lake and
catch DigiAnchovies with your meat. Digianchovies are the smallest fish that are
the closest to shore. Catch as many as you can, then go back to Birdramon's
transport shop and have him take you to Freezeland. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN
southwestern Mojyamon on the ice flows. He will trade you a Super Speed Disk for
every Digianchovy you have. Be careful! This Mojyamon can get you caught in a
glitch in the game. By trading with him, you will get stuck there and won't be
able to move. Don't worry about that. Keep trading with him until all your fish
are gone. When that's done, you don't have to worry about being stuck, because
you can use the autopilot to take you back to the city. If you don't have an
auto pilot, I'm predicting a reset happening pretty soon. ^_^ The second money
making method is based on the same idea, but uses DigiMushrooms instead. Collect
DigiMushrooms, and then take them to the southeastern Mojyamon instead. He will
trade you a Medium Recovery for each mushroom you bring to him. Now, take the
medium recoveries and visit the southwestern Mojyamon. Trade him the medium
recoveries for Super Defense Disks. Now, with your Super Defense or Speed Disks,
return to File City and sell them at the Item Shop. Each disk can be sold for
2,000 bits! This is a great way to make money, and inexpensive as well. For
example, if you buy 50 meats at 50 bits each, you pay 2500 bits. If you then
catch 50 Anchovies with your 50 meats, provided you are a good fisher, you can
trade them for disks and sell them for 2000 bits each. From your 50 disks, you
will earn 100,000 bits. Subtract the 2500 you paid for meat, and your total net
profit is 97,500 bits. Not bad, huh?
item: Regular Meat
What it does: Makes Digimon a bit full.
Other info: Weight +1
Item: Moldy Meat
What it does: Makes Digimon a bit full.
Other info: Weight +2, makes Digimon sick
Item: Giant Meat
What it does: Makes Digimon quite full.
Other info: Weight +2
Item: Sirloin
What it does: Makes Digimon very full.
Other info: Weight +3, reduces tiredness, makes Digimon happy
Item: Digital Mushroom
What it does: Makes Digimon a bit full.
Other info: Weight +1
Item: Happy Mushroom
What it does: Makes your Digimon happy!
Other info: Weight +1, reduces tiredness, may get sick if eaten
Item: Ice Mushroom
What it does: Increases discipline
Other info: Weight +2
Item: Deluxe Mushroom
What it does: Increases all abilities
Other info: Weight +4, Off, Def, Spd, Brn +10, HP and MP +100,
Item: Super Carrot
What it does: Increases training ability for MP, offense, and brains
Other info: Weight -2, wears off after a time
Item: Hawk Radish
What it does: Increases training ability for HP, speed, and defense
Other info: Weight +3, wears off after a time
Item: DigiAnchovy
What it does: Makes Digimon a bit full.
Other info: Weight +1, caught in Dragon Eye Lake
Item: Black Trout
What it does: Boosts all abilities.
Other info: Weight -2, HP +10, MP +10, all others +1, caught in Dragon Eye Lake
Item: DigiSnapper
What it does: Makes Digimon quite full.
Other info: Weight +1, caught in Dragon Eye Lake
Item: Sea Bass
What it does: Recovers HP and MP fully, extends Digimon lifespan.
Other info: Weight +4, may get sick
Item: Catfish
What it does: Makes Digimon very full.
Other info: Weight +5
Item: Prickly Pear
What it does: Decreases Weight
Other info: Weight -5
Item: Calm Berry
What it does: Increases MP +200
Other info: Weight +2
Item: Sage Fruit
What it does: Increases Brains +20
Other info: Weight +2
Item: Sm. Recovery
What it does: Recovers 500 HP
Item: Med. Recovery
What it does: Recovers 1500 HP
Item: Lrg. Recovery
What it does: Recovers 5000 HP
Item: MP Floppy
What it does: Recovers 500 MP
Item: Medium MP Floppy
What it does: Recovers 1500 MP
Item: Large MP Floppy
What it does: Recovers 5000 MP
Item: Various
What it does: Restores your Digimon's status
Item: Protection
What it does: Protects your Digimon's status
Item: Omnipotent
What it does: Restores some HP and MP, and cures errors
Item: Double Floppy
What it does: Restores both 1500 HP and MP
Item: Restore Floppy
What it does: Restores your Digimon if they werse unconscious with half HP
Item: Sup. Restore Floppy
What it does: Restores your Digimon from coma with full HP
Item: Bandage
What it does: Heals injuries and some sickness
Item: Medicine
What it does: Heals injuries and sickness
Item: Offense, Speed, Defense Disks
What it does: Raise that particular stat during that battle only
Item: Super Offense, Speed, Defense Disks
What it does: Raise that particular stat greatly during that battle only
Item: Omnipotent Disk
What it does: Raise all stats during that battle only.
Item: Offense, Speed, Defense, Brain Chip
What it does: Raises that particular stat by 50
Item: HP, MP Chip
What it does: Raises that particular stat by 500
Item: Devil Chip A
What it does: Offense and Brains +100, but shortens life span! :o( Sold by
Item: Devil Chip B
What it does: Defense and Speed +100, but shortens life span! :o( Sold by
Item: Devil Chip C
What it does: HP and MP +1000, but shortens life span! :o( Sold by Devimon.
Item: Auto Pilot
What it does: Takes you to File City from anywhere
Item: Portable Potty
What it does: Digimon can potty anywhere. Don't leave home without one! ^_^